(Swtor Journal-Xingeda) Pestilence

Xin sits alone in the war room, finishing off his last bit of drink from the bottle he brought in, a new batch of rum from his private stock. He locks in the patterns, sending another batch of gangsters into Wild Space, as far from the Ship as he could. He grumbles as he stands […]

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Gritting his teeth, Niodas looked into the mirror.  There were no scars on the perfect skin of his face, reminding him of his skill in the ways of the sword and shield.  Hair darker and glossier than a raven’s wing framed his dazzling green eyes and strongly etched features, the blend almost more beautiful and […]

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[WoW] The Burnt Letter

Dear Adrian,   I know we both agreed that it was best that I leave the village and let the world assume my death. It seems that the zealots were only fooled for so long, but rest assured that I am alive and well. In fact, I have found sanctuary in the north with an […]

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WoW Writing Contest: Niodas

A hooded figure, sitting beneath a tree in the grey vales of the Ghostlands, resting as the rain fell down in drizzling sheets before him. The curve of a pale jaw, a sharp nose, the points of elven ears, and a equally sharp smile. Heh. A shield on one side, and a sword held carelessly […]

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[WoW] Ethical Issues

It is hard to place where demons and the undead fall in on ethical issues. Of course, these are the sorts of undead without the full control of their will and minds, yet one must acknowledge that they were at least once people. At the same time, their existence, along with demons, is abominable, and […]

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[SWTOR] Tide (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Halonan) Comfort. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Jacqueline woke with the distinct feeling of another body laying next to hers. She turned over, finding Halonan asleep and unmoving. His utter exhaustion came as no surprise. Her eyes traced the new lines that etched his […]

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WoW Isolde: Building

Issy grunted and shifted slightly in her sleep, and nuzzled closer to the warmth beside her. Warmth. She blinked awake quickly, despite the earliness of the hour, blushed, and a moment later, quietly slipped from his bed. Not without lingering a moment more… it was so nice there, so warm compared to the desolate chill […]

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Before the Rose: Secrets of the Frozen North, Part III

A few mugs of ale and a warm hearth did the body good. It wasn’t long before Jarrick climbed the stairs and retired to his room, leaving the friendly comfort of good company in the main room.  He dropped his belongings next to the fireplace in his room and threw a few logs on, stoking […]

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[WoW] We Gathered in the North

Marshal Mason finished signing off on the most recent shipment of arms and armor that entered the Keep.  It had been a long, cold day under Northrend skies, but it was work that had to be done to accomplish the insurmountable goal they set their sights on; bringing down Deathwing the Destroyer. “Marshal, your presence […]

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[SWTOR] Reply to Bedisa’s Letter (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR: Bedisa’s Letter. The following is a response to Bedisa’s hand-written letter sent via a secure, encrypted line on the HoloNet. )) Hi, In the spirit of cooperation, I’d really like Brembal to hold still while I shove my blaster up his sanctimonious ass. And I am thinking of the kid. One day, […]

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[WoW] Broken Minds, Lost Souls

Riathan sat outside the bunkhouse, the tired paladin’s gaze traveling among all the people that passed by.  Most were unfamiliar. There were few that were. His mind drifted in a wandering haze. He ran a hand through  his long hair, longer than it’d ever been. At least as far as he could remember. Some of […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa’s Letter

A hand written letter arrives, actually written on paper and hand delivered by a young scamp on Nar Shadaa. It is simply addressed to Captain Jacqueline Rees, from Bedisa. Captain, I don’t expect that you’ll want to read this letter, let alone open it. I am hopeful you have, and that I can in some […]

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Before the Rose: Secrets of the Frozen North, Part II

Secrets of the Frozen North, Part I ———- The shoreline that the boat docked at was slightly more inviting than the black, featureless coastline which had loomed on the horizon for the past few hours. The storm at sea still raged though the coast seemed protected from the wicked winds.  Departing the ship, Jarrick turned […]

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Night watch

The moon rose sharp and clear through the frigid air.  Elli lifted her head from her front paws, gazing at the bright orb for a moment before yawning widely and rising to her hind ones.  Walking softly around the room, she glanced over her shoulder at the man sleeping on the other bed as she […]

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[WoW] Notes on Demonic Subjugation

There have been many long discussions in the past regarding demons and their place in our world, but I stand with the majority. Simply put, they do not have a place. They are not our friends, allies, nor our pets. Anyone who believes differently typically meets a very grizzly end.   For example, I once […]

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[SWTOR] Encrypted Message to Brembal Kybersmith (Tevaria)

(( The following is on my SWTOR Agent, Tevaria. It’s an encrypted message with another layer of security: Specific information is redacted unless Brembal shows proof of identity, specifically his DNA signature, upon receipt. )) Lord Brembal, This an addendum to my latest routine report. I thought it prudent to note notable activity that has […]

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[WoW] Notes on Soulstones

It can be difficult, at times, to digest the nature of fel magics and their inner workings. Personally, I feel it is easier to explain away the arcane being that it can be broken down into less profane terms: manipulation of what already exists in reality.   Creating friction between trace substances in a given, […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Courage

She breathed, long and deep, sitting before the bustling lights of Nar Shadaa. Breathe. Deep in her meditation, the sounds and the colours faded to near nothingness. Sinking deeper into the flow and the peace the Force gave her. Courage. Lord Ishya had given wise advice, she thought. An answer of sorts for so many […]

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Taking Turns

“Do you need me to take a turn?” Ambrosine had just finished cleaning mingled blood and mud off her boots, the result of her latest hunt. Although the armor got set aside, she buckled her swords back on reluctantly. “Huh?” Mina had to give herself a shake. The young druid was spreading herself a smidge […]

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[WoW] Sealed Letter to Velhari Demare

Dear Vel, I hope this letter finds you well (I’d be surprised if it finds you at all, actually, seeing as I have no guarantee that the postmaster will be able to locate you.) A long time has passed, and I regret that I haven’t reached out to check in on you sooner. I know […]

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(WoW) Jarrick: Heavier Thoughts

This is a small portion of recovered writing from a storyline long passed.  Saving it here for future access. ————– Truthfully, these past few months haven’t made things any easier. We fought so hard for so long.. Only to have our world torn to pieces in an instant. I knew the calm wouldn’t last forever […]

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[WoW] Infernal

Esreiella drew her staff to the defensive as a vague ray of morning�s light pushed through the thick forest. It was enough to glean of the edge of the wicked, curved blades that had been tied to the end, but her true weapon had been stored away upon the beginning of her flight. It was […]

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[WoW] Notes on Fire and Corruption

I have booked passage north in the hopes of finding some sort of peace. Perhaps I will even lose these so called �witch hunters� long enough to heal and rest these weary bones. At the very least, I can turn my thoughts to something other than what might be lingering over my shoulder.   For […]

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[SWTOR] Reply To Halonan Kybersmith 4 (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Journal (Halonan) Claiming The Title. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Halo, Good looking and talented as you are, you’re getting a punch to the face and ass whooping when I race you back home. See you soon, – J

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[WoW] Fifth Line

The warmer months are finally upon me and I’ve had fewer instances of drawing out Adrian’s cloak just to make it through the night. It still smells of smoke even though six months have passed since the fire, and that’s six months since he put a headstone over an empty grave. I have only seen […]

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