Coven (Final)

Claret taught me how to bind the Demon to me, bend him to my will. It was hard at first. At the beginning, she supplemented most of the spell workings… think of it as a crutch. The Demon ultimately listened to me — or at least I thought, hoped it did — but Claret's spells […]

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[Letter] A Sealed Letter to Nest�rion Dawnstrider

To Nestárion Dawnstrider,   My thanks for agreeing to meet and discuss the continued bond between our orders. I did not expect our meeting to quickly expand into such a jovial occasion. It is rare to be reminded that we have so many allies on both sides.   As promised at the conclusion of our […]

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Razboom the Entrepreneur

Razboom wasn't sure who to hate more… The Shadow Trader for sending him once more into Alliance territory, or the Bilgewater Cartel for joining the Horde and making Alliance territory so dangerous to goblinkind. Maybe he should just hate Thrall for his power play that annexed Bilgewater into the Horde. In any case, he once […]

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A Drip of Alchemy

The task was easier together than it was alone. Months after the magical accident that gave Idella a double, the two worked together seamlessly. Two witches, identical from height, appearance, voice, and manner, poured over a litany of vials and potions, tubes and funnels, boils and toils until the ink from the mysterious letter was […]

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Fear and Peace

<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –>   Mallory's hands flew forward, and a shimmer surrounded the young man at the forefront of the assault team, protecting him from the oncoming blows from the large golems. A splash of foul red liquid sent several people running with burns on their skin. Mallory offered […]

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Robin’s hand rested shakily on the doorknob. It was an unreasonable fear. Completely unreasonable. The gnome on the other side of the door was a victim of Ceera, like her. And younger, practically a child…   “Robin, grow up and let me in already!”   What’s wrong with me? Robin gripped the knob firmly and […]

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Jealousy Part 2

The fel-hunter faded from sight as it collided with the metal walls of Selena’s home in Gnomeregan. “Mom…?” Her voice was quiet. “Dad?” Time passed by, maybe an hour? She wasn’t sure. There was no response. Their apartment was silent.   It was silent because…Selena shut her eyes, curling into a ball, she couldn’t think […]

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Bloodsail Ambush

“Cap’in! Cap’in!” The breathy calls met the pirate Captain’s ears as the scoundrel scurried back into the encampment. “W’at?” he roared turning to face the breathless man, one of his lookouts stationed by the road at the exit of Booty Bay. He and his partner were supposed to strong arm travelers into giving up some […]

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The Coven (III)

Related: Mirror, Mirror, The Coven (I), The Coven (II) #mirror It was different after the demon. Claret spent even more time away and the demon took up residence at the house. I saw it more often than others. I was expected to continue my duties and though I did without question, each repeated sight of […]

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Sister Act

<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –>   Rann mumbled an oath under her breath as her kite dipped yet again, diving at the ground. Kageseji nearly snorted with laughter… when she suddenly fell silent, her own kite flying off on the wind, the string forgotten as she froze, purple eyes huge, fear […]

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The Coven (II)

Related: The Coven (I),  Mirror, Mirror #mirror We traveled by night. Like all young girls and boys in Duskwood, I kept inside at night. Even the Coven traveled as a group, Claret, myself and three others. I didn't know them, but I knew we all wore the same robes. It was the first time she […]

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The Coven (I)

Related: Mirror, Mirror  #mirror Everyone talked about the Coven. It was the rite of passage, a “big step” and proof that you’re a legitimate witch. But the Coven didn’t take just anyone. Someone in the Coven had to bring you in. You were hand picked.   I was so excited when the red letter came […]

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Lower City Orphanage

He leaned back against the sturdy frame of the gryphon nest as the pair, Saashenka and Zaanthe, traveled down the ramp toward the Lower City Orphanage. His eyes flitted toward the short barrier that fenced the upper city from the fall into Lower City. He couldn't see over the edge and he didn't care to. […]

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Can you be something you don't want to, without your permission?   Can you really?   I thought about telling the other Ida this, but I don't know. I don't want her to worry about me – about us. What's the worth of both of us worrying, really? One of us should stay focused, I […]

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The Seeds of Ashenvale

<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –> The last few days had been nerve racking. Night elves gazed with baleful, suspicious stares at the goblins who had — much to their own distress — entered the Ashenvale forests without the aid of shredders or even much weaponry. And only two goblin-made trikes rode […]

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The New Student

<– Previous Journal * * *Next Journal –> Rann yawned, strolling into her living room. Kageseji sat in a chair, her Templar tabard still draped over her body, embroidering. By hand. Rann arched an eyebrow. "Morning… Still tired from overdoing it the other day?" Kageseji looked up and smiled brightly. "Morning! No, I'm good!" Rann […]

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Learning Strength

There weren’t many items in Robin’s room, but a scroll was added, secured to the wall like a picture frame. It was the work of a Pandaren, but it was meant to be her inspiration. An image of the White Tiger was drawn in the center of it. Around Xuen were words of wisdom and […]

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Regretted Kiss

Hands like silk with thin fingers brushed down his cheeks and curled around the back of his head. Soft lips upon his the first real kiss he’d had in nearly a century, since Amia. “It’s a deal then.”   Mosur jolted in the bed waking abruptly and opening his eyes. He glanced around the dimly […]

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[Doradrassil] Recovery

Doradrassil flinched as the tuskarr healer poured a salve over the wound in her leg. She had made it far enough to signal for help before collapsing in the snow, and had awoken to their hospitality in one of their village's tents as one of them worked to nurse her back to health. The salve […]

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<– Previous Journal * * * Next Journal –>   A young woman settled into a chair as a cool breeze blew. A plain envelope, unmarked except for its delivery address, lay open nearby as she read the letter she had just received.    To our most gracious benefactor:  I have personally inspected all sites […]

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Magnum Opus

Gaunt and greyed, Lannik Gorathian sat hunched over his desk, leering at what had just become the eighty-first page in an ongoing documentation of his. Far off on another desk lay the bindings and cover that would one day make up what the elderly man hoped he would be remembered for. If he was lucky, […]

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Perfectly Adequate

Oh, this is beautiful. The bushes near the well in the Mage District were tended well enough, but not trimmed down too far for someone small to hide behind. Of course, magic helped, too. Ceera had even removed her pointy witch-hat for the occasion.   The high-elven girl was a wonderful specimen. Robin was making […]

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Warden vs. Warden

Doradrassil cautiously strafed about Maiev, silently cursing that cloak she wore. It wasn’t without its practical uses… It hid Maiev’s arms, hands, and much of her posture that Doradrassil might otherwise use to anticipate her enemy’s next move.   But what did she want anyway?   “Despite your obvious need for instruction,” Maiev started, “you […]

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Stormwind has been so nice. I was nervous about moving to the city. It really is so different from the wood. You can see dozens of new people every single day and never bump into them again! But I find that if you keep a schedule, you see a good number of the same people […]

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[Doradrassil] A Cold Confrontation

As the death knight Aertemis swept away into the city of Darnassus, leaving her secluded garden — and saronite armor — behind, Doradrassil sighed. Aertemis crossed the northern bridge over the lake and turned eastward, dusting a too-lax Watcher with frost as she went.    Doradrassil let herself lapse out of her shadowmelding and leaned […]

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