The Great War and the Curse:

It is difficult to explain the great war if you weren’t a veteran of it. By comparison to the other great conflicts that had ravaged the world, the Great War was orders of magnitude grander. A conflict that lasted something close to half a millennia, it scoured the world clean of the civilizations that dotted […]

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A History of the First Times, Part 2

There is rampant speculation about the Gods – the argument about whether they were born of the beliefs of the various peoples of the world or were drawn to them is chief among them.  Regardless, the Gods came to the world during its time of early promise and changed how it would grow forever. The […]

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A History of the First Times: Part 1 – The First Days

No one knows how the world was born. In the beginning, there were trees and mountains and rivers and storms, forests and animals and deserts, but it was chaos.  Primordial elementals vied for control of the soul of the world itself and they twisted and changed the world to their liking.  It was a time […]

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RB 8-7: Ending Caterina

Mission Report Sat, Feb 17, 2018 ((Sep 5, 2021))<br/> Team: Lyndi (Aslene), Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Isabelica (Basil), Proud (Aunne), Kromrak (Sielic), Sylvena (Dae) Raptor Blue readies as they travel through the Sylvanaia to Arborea. Kromrak asks for aid and Gatriel arrives. Bron is from Arborea and chooses the battlefield. The team emerges on a […]

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RB 8-6: Claiming Seeds and Bridging to Arborea

Mission Report Fri, Feb 16, 2018 ((Aug 29, 2021))<br/> Team: Lyndi (DM, away doing diplomacy), Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Isabelica (Basil), Proud (Aunne), Kromrak (DM, quiet), Sylvena (Dae) The team finishes the op against Seeds of Calamity. Shiro restores control of the network and main systems, with help from Jonas McRaven. Meanwhile, Ruby Bridges continues […]

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RB 8-5: Seeds of Calamity Falls

Mission Report Fri, Feb 16, 2018 ((Aug 15, 2021))<br/> Team: Lyndi (DM, away doing diplomacy), Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Isabelica (Basil), Proud (Aunne), Kromrak (Sielic), Sylvena (Dae) The heroes continue the battle against Xozzig the beholder and Sugai Yoshimitsu the vampire warrior. Sugai turns Proud against the team but Sylvena helps him break the charm. […]

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RB 8-4: Into Seeds of Calamity

Mission Report Fri, Feb 16, 2018 ((Aug 15, 2021))<br/> Team: Lyndi (DM, away doing diplomacy), Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Isabelica (Basil), Proud (Aunne), Kromrak (Sielic), Sylvena (Dae) Raptor Blue continues posing as sentries while making final preparations. They let Jonas know that his loved ones are safe. Shiro and Sylvena prepare spoof data of a […]

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RB 8-3: Infiltrating the Demonstration Site

Mission Report Fri, Feb 16, 2018 ((Aug 8, 2021))<br/> Team: Lyndi (Aslene), Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Isabelica (Basil), Proud (Aunne), Kromrak (DM, flying with Bron), Sylvena (DM) (preoccupied with preparing to impersonate Caterina) Raptor Blue finishes preparing the caravan for departure. Ruby’s assemblers create AForms to mimic the beasts. The Aven is Ester Maitland, a […]

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Kicking the Wounded Animal

It was late. LATE at night (at least in Azerothian time) when Janderius made an appearance. Only another hour or two before sunrise would become a factor in Westfall.   The telltale shift of potent arcane energy was accompanied by the dull humming sounds and flash of light that went with it. The spherical doorway […]

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RB 8-2: The Caravan Op Ends

Mission Report Fri, Feb 16, 2018 ((Jul 11, 2021))<br/> Team: Lyndi (Aslene, absent 2nd half), Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Isabelica (Basil), Sylvena (Dae, absent 1st half), Proud (Aunne), Kromrak (Sielic) The team finishes the battle against the caravan guards. Kromrak and Bronislav transform into robot form and use their sword to stab Amethra Dox. Then […]

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RB 8-1: The Caravan Op Begins

Mission Report Fri, Feb 16, 2018 ((Jun 27, 2021))<br/> Team: Lyndi (Aslene), Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Isabelica (Basil), Sylvena (Dae), Proud (Aunne)<br/> Quiet (players absent): Kromrak Lyndi negotiates with Dwight Mackey. She allows Primex to join the Allied Armada for the battle against the Conspiracy Armada. The team makes final preparations, then descends to Ravnica. […]

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RB 7-21: Planning Before the Storm

Mission Report Fri, Feb 16, 2018 ((Jun 20, 2021))<br/> Team: Lyndi (Aslene), Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Isabelica (Basil), Sylvena (Dae)br/> Quiet (players absent): Aunne, Kromrak The team concludes their time at the Dvaren Conclave. Lyndi speaks to the Conclave, with Sylvena providing subtle backup. The team jump from the Dvarholm in the Outlands back to […]

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The Sin of Pride

((Writing collab done some by me, and also with volunteers Aunne, Jander, November/Robin, Sielic, Vendon, Roo, Elli, and Zaanthe. Im not sure I like the ending, but it will do for now. Enjoy.)) “I know, I know,” Theo soothed. Fang whined, unhappy, as she checked the buckles on the huge bat. It was a gift, […]

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RB 7-20: One Hell of a Lawyer

Mission Report Thu, Feb 15, 2018 ((Jun 13, 2021))<br/> Team: Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Proud (Aunne), Isabelica (Basil), br/> Accompanies the tin soldiers to the Conclave: Lyndi, Kromrak, Sylvena While Lyndi, Kromrak, and Sylvena finish attending the Dvaren Conclave, the rest of the team travels to Earth. Admiral Beastbuckle has provided intel to Nails about […]

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Tracking a Traitor [Mythalen]

The eredar attacker made his way across the bridge below Dawnkeep and slowed to a confident walk. The sounds of battle in the courtyard behind him heralded the anarchy of the Repentant’s breaking. Glancing behind to see if anyone had dared to follow him, he noticed Nadana in his peripheral vision; she was on wing […]

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Report [Theo]

After turning most of the bear into food for Fang and herself, Theo took the time to clean herself and her gear. The Master had sent her far afield before, had seen her roadworn and travelweary, of course- but she anticipated some blowback from the encounter with the Fearstalkers, and it would be best not […]

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RB 7-19: Beastbuckle and Bot Battle

Mission Report Thu, Feb 15, 2018 ((May 16, 2021))<br/> Team: Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Proud (Aunne), Isabelica (Basil), Kromrak (DM), Sylvena (DM)<br/> Accompanies the tin soldiers to the Conclave: Lyndi There are 81 brains in the dark network. The team realizes the diviners may be saved from death through advanced healing magic or magitec. Isabelica […]

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An Unexpected But Welcome Invitation [Zaanthe]

((Posted here for Zaanthe, whose account isn’t fixed yet. Letter by me. Enjoy! Suit reference.))     While travel between Stormwind and Oribos had been made near-enough trivial with the use of, essentially, death gates, the sensation of stepping through those portals wasn’t exactly something that vindicator Zaanthe was keen on. This was true […]

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RB 7-18: Defeating Mirvodin

Mission Report Thu, Feb 15, 2018 ((May 9, 2021))<br/> Team: Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Kromrak (Dae), Sylvena (Dae), Proud (DM), Vae’gaun (Razas)<br/> Fighting in the Swift: Isabelica (DM)<br/> Accompanies the tin soldiers to the Conclave: Lyndi The team decides to fight Mirvodin. In the instant attack, there is a Fulcrum Moment and Vae’gaun arrives to […]

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Unpleasant Awakening [Theo][Zaanthe][Jander]

((A transcript with some minor edits for clarity and continuity, but mostly intact, between Theo, Zaanthe, and Jander. Leads up to the Hunting Theo event. Enjoy. All credit goes to Zaanthe and Jander for being awesome rp partners.))     Maldraxxus was, unfortunately, exactly as had been described. Zaanthe had heard tales about a realm […]

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Blood In The Water [Theo]

  “Aghh, ahh, shit,” Theo muttered, an inward hiss of pain. But it had to happen. A battered, bruised, bloody foe -such as she was, after the fight with the traitor- was easier to track, and she calculated she had some leeway before any decisions about search parties might be made. It was clean up […]

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The Sin of Wrath [Theo][Nemalu]

((Transcript turned journal of how the fight in the clearing went down between Theodora and Nemalu. Mad props to Janderius for bringing this NPC to life. Minimal edits made. Hope yall enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed rping it!))       Its a great pity that I can’t visit here under other […]

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Theodora’s Sinstone [Nadana]

After the return from Ardenweald, Nadana felt tired. It was not that the journey had been arduous, but that an inevitable decision had been reached. Though not exact it almost felt like having to choose one child over another. None of the Repentant nor Theo were her children, but the years of hands-on cultivating almost […]

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RB 7-17: Meeting Mirvodin

Mission Report     Thu, Feb 15, 2018 ((Apr 25, 2021))<br/> Team: Jane (Cael), Shiro (DragoN), Kromrak (Dae), Sylvena (Dae)<br/> Fighting in the Swift: Proud (DM), Isabelica (DM)<br/> Accompanies the tin soldiers to the Conclave: Lyndi   The team is engaged by the cultists and takes hard hits early. Then they hit back with Wall […]

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Into the Weald [Nadana]

The forest was eerily quiet, which wasn’t something Nadana had expected in Ardenweald. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was related to Theo’s attack. Ahead of her was a large seedpod, which lit up the area in a faint, steadily pulsing blue glow. Before it knelt the winged figure of Nemalu, the High Fervent […]

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