[SWTOR] Prowl (Tulson)

There simply wasn’t enough entertainment the last two days to keep Tulson sated. The initial hunt was fulfilling, the rush of locating the hit, the intoxicating thoughts of new ways to lay waste. For some targets, a simple aerial strike sufficed. For others, something more deeply intimate and drawn out. But days of carnage later […]

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[SWTOR] Stay (Vanessa)

Peaking around the corner of the bridge, Vanessa watched her mother work. Whether it was stooped over a console or tinkering on an engine panel, Jacqueline wore the same look of concentration. She was distracted and didn’t see the child enter. Vanessa blinked, finding it a little odd. For not having the Force, her mother […]

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[SWTOR] Destroyer’s End

Condensation had gathered on the surface of the kolto tank, obscuring the view of its inhabitant but it had not been enough to dim the light it bathed into the room. A few lights from machines blinked while displays showed the vitals status on the tank�s resident.   Kadrissa paced back and forth, eyes locked […]

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[SWTOR] Awake (Tulson)

Rage. The hunt for a moment yielded so much reward. It sated curiosity and filled Tulson’s expectations beyond wildest dreams. Veera turned out to be a semi-worthy opponent, in spite her… obvious shortcomings. So disappointing to find she was not a late bloomer. Tulson had hope. But her reaction time, improvisation, cunning, and oh, that […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Return

She wiped the tears from her eyes. Tears were necessary, at this point. They washed away the remainder of the old feelings, and in their wake, she felt….stable. More stable then she had been, for ages. Perhaps it was still just sheer shock at the sight of him, but she would take that for now. […]

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[SWTOR] Awake (Jacqueline/Vanessa)

The ceiling of the Gunstar captain’s quarters returned Jacqueline’s stare. Awake on its bed, her mind refused permission to let her sleep. Nothing — pacing the room, stretching, even attempting exercises the small quarters allowed — culled the quickened heartbeat that kept her awake. Fuck, she swore to herself. Pacing the room for the umpteenth […]

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[SWTOR] Flames (Jacqueline)

Related: [SWTOR] Journal (Brembal) Hunting The Hunter Part II )) Staring at the flames that licked the walls, Jacqueline Rees sat with an uncorked bottle resting against her leg. The fuel of the flames sizzled, a gorey pile unrecognizable as the man it once was. Cooked meat, cheap liquor, and human waste stank in her nostrils. […]

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[SWTOR] Message to Halonan Kybersmith (Jacqueline)

Halo, You haven’t checked in for a while. I haven’t either. Stuff came up. Figure you’re OK else Nessa would tell me otherwise. She’s asked about you and don’t have much to tell her. Also figure you’re on some remote part of Balmorra. Bet it’s a shit hole. Like I said, stuff has happened. When […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Travels

She leaned her head back against her seat within the rough freighter, daring a few moments of rest. She had done what she could on Corellia. There were always more, always injured, but…but these days, more often, she would feel a tug, a whisper of the Force, guiding her onwards to another planet.  Balmorra. Yes. […]

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[SWTOR] Return II (Jacqueline)

Related: SWTOR: Return (Jacqueline) )) Arcing the armed charge over her head with one hand and pointing her blaster with the other, Jacqueline backed away from the crowd. Injured as she was in the lowest levels of Coruscant, her pockets — and more — were primed for the picking. �Back off,� she growled at them, thumbing […]

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SWTOR: Return (Jacqueline)

Descending the levels of Coruscant, it took longer than Jacqueline anticipated to identify landmarks. Twenty years did not pass kindly. Where a derelict shop once stood was now a burned hole, its insides spilled like entrails and lower-level denizens stooped over it, picking over scrap. The forgotten levels of Coruscant were filled to the brim […]

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[SWTOR] Board Meeting (Jacqueline)

The waking sun peeked through the gaps of Coruscant spires. Standing at the window, Jacqueline Rees collected herself ahead of what she had no doubt would be an infuriating morning. Dressed in corporate attire, she was a far cry from the mussed and grease-stained leather she preferred. Sleek reds, blacks, and polished leather covered her, […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Shame

Shame. She bent her head over the prone form of the refugee, placing a hand on the man’s forehead. The droid nearby quietly and soothingly played out it’s soft beeps and other monitoring sounds. Leaving aside the sickness that was passing through this camp, the man Bedisa was seeing now had his hand crushed building […]

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[SWTOR] Legacy

�I have spent so long following him that his absence feels like a void.� Carmil murmured to her interior of her cabin. �I have been unable to leave him, and he has kept me within his reach at all times.� The interior lacked the luxuries that it used to hold save for a few personal […]

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[SWTOR] Bottled Up (Jacqueline)

(( The following is on my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Stomping out of the medical bay, Jacqueline Rees felt the edges of her vision darken. Singular, one-minded, she dove into the cantina stock, took up an untapped whiskey bottle, and stormed a straight line towards the Gunstar. Her eyesight tunneled, unheeding anyone nearby […]

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[SWTOR] Debris (Jacqueline)

(( The following is on my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) The rubble pile tipped beneath her feet. Finding purchase in the most unlikely of areas, Jacqueline Rees navigated the collapsed ruins of three floors. She hopped between sturdy concrete slabs with a practiced ease. Her knuckles bloodied, forehead plastered in sweat, and any exposed part […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Finished

She took off both her lightsabers, the faint pink glimmer of the crystals within the only signs of life after the EMP pulse. They’d need to be repaired. This one could manage that. One was placed in Vie’s unconscious, yielding palm, the other tucked beside her. It wasn’t hard to find a robe to swing […]

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[SWTOR] Moments to Reckoning (Tevaria + Jacqueline + Vanessa)

(( Related: [SWTOR] The Hunt (Part II). The following is on my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees, her estranged daughter Vanessa, and my Agent, Tevaria. )) Tevaria Aboard a Lambda-class shuttle destined for the Shadowstar, Tevaria received two priority messages at once. The fevered beeps of the console was her first alarm. The second was two piercing lasers lancing […]

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[SWTOR] Scars (Jacqueline + Vanessa)

(( Related: (RP) CHAT LOG: SWTOR The Hunt (Part 1) and [SWTOR] Night Talk (Jacqueline + Vanessa). The following is on my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees and her estranged daughter, Vanessa. )) Standing at the curve of a wide lake shore, its stretches swooping past either side of her for miles, Jacqueline watched as Vanessa splashed and played in […]

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[SWTOR] Casting The Net (Tevaria)

(( Related: (RP) CHAT LOG: SWTOR The Hunt (Part 1). The following is on my SWTOR Agent, Tevaria. )) Stooping over a large table holo display of Corellia, Tevaria watched as several markers appeared and pointed to the surface of the planet. The points were spread over its western hemisphere, like dust scattered from a throw and carried […]

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[SWTOR] Night Talk (Jacqueline + Vanessa)

(( Related: (RP) CHAT LOG: SWTOR The Hunt (Part 1). The following is on my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees and her estranged daughter, Vanessa. )) Two voices talk in the night on Tatooine. One is deeper, roughed from the edges of years; the other younger, wondering, scared. “Mom, I don’t like this bed. I want to go […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Thoughts

I do not choose to sink into despair. This feeling, this…inexorable desire, which at times has overwhelmed me, is not what matters at my core. There is a time coming where my emotions, my feelings, will matter not as they should, not in his presence, and not in the presence of my friends.  I have […]

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[SWTOR] Efficiency (Tevaria)

(( Related: Boarding Party. The following is on Tevaria, my SWTOR Agent. )) Soldering the last of the delicate wires, Tevaria rose from beneath the command console. Outside the viewport, countless stars indicated no point in time, yet from an approaching fatigue she felt both physically and mentally, the hour was late and day long. Wiping her forehead of […]

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SWTOR Dareia: Training

Eyes narrowed in the faint dimness of her small barracks quarters. The light level was perfect here, she found. Agent Tevaria’s arrangements were far better then she had come to expect back on Dromund Kaas. She could adjust the light levels however she chose, avoiding the sharp glare that would often pain her sensitive pupils.  […]

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[SWTOR] Ties (Vanessa)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Break (Jacqueline). The following is on Vanessa Rees, the estranged daughter of my SWTOR Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Little feet ran through the metal halls of the Dreadnaught�s decks. Armored feet of her escort kept pace behind her. Bidden by a sense of pain, a growing urgency that wasn�t her own yet was […]

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