[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 402

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees. It’s a holo captain’s log. This is a quick and dirty journal to keep up with recent action. )) The holovid opens with Jacqueline in relaxed garb, her coat hanging on the swiveling captain’s chair behind her. Her legs crossed, an elbow is […]

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{SWTOR} Wat I hav lernd

viza sez I yuzed the fors wen I jumt frum the shep. I dint no wat that ment but she xpland it to me and shod me how to mov things with the fors. it is hard. she is so smart and strawng and I am hapee bkuz mis jaklin sez I get to lern […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa’s Journal

How I wish I could bring this before the masters… my head is spinning, and for once I am unsure on how to proceed. My whole life, nearly my whole life, I have been taught that passion, attraction, are things to be moderated and controlled, and that they have no place in the proper procedures […]

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I am sian (swtor)

i am sian’li. i lernd to rite from meggey in the masters howse. i no its not gud but now that i iskape i am goen to rite alotz to git beter. i iskaped by jumpen out of the shep. first i keeled the gard guy. he was rapen meggey and wasent payen atenshun to […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa’s Journal

What is the nature of the Force? Of all things, I did not imagine that a Sith would be the one to spur on my studies after leaving Tython. That I was going to was a certainty, of course, but with the galaxy ahead of me I was planning on taking some time to enjoy […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa

She took a deep breath and tried to focus. *Again*.  Bedisa gave a sigh of frustration and stared, for a moment, moodily out the window over the bustling cityscape. She hadn’t returned to Halonan’s apartment, preferring now the quiet coziness of her own modest flat. Small, yes, but as a knight now she had enough […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 382

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees. It’s a holo captain’s log. )) The holo opens without Jacqueline in its capture. Her voice can be heard along with the sound of footsteps clanking on metal. As the footsteps draw closer, so does her voice. “Heeey there, sonuvabitch who just sliced […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 381

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees. It’s a holo captain’s log. )) The holo begins with Jackie stooped forward in her captain’s chair, working on the disassembled pieces of her blaster. She occasionally reaches outside the holo’s capture, picking up pieces that are presumably laying on the nearby console. […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 380

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees following the recent in-game RP. This is a holo captain�s log. This journal follows the events of the 11/16 SWTOR Night. )) The holo opens with Jacqueline in a new set of armor. Notably, it’s more rugged and padded than the last. She’s […]

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[SWTOR – Story] Tip

The swing tunes of the cantina floated down the lift all the way to the hanger bay. Jackie’s smirk lingered just as long. Toggling her comm, she grinned: “Ship shape, Corso. Captain’s heading back for invent –“ A swift movement from the corner of her eye cut her words short. She drew and leveled her […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 379

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees following the recent in-game RP. This is a holo captain�s log. )) The holo opens with Jacqueline pensively swirling a glass of whiskey in one hand. She’s sitting in her quintessential captain’s chair, her eyes trained on the swirl of liquid in the […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 378

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain “Jackie” Rees following the recent Mandalorian Raiders run. This is a holo captain’s log. ))     The holo begins with Jackie casually holding a blaster and running a cleaning cloth along the barrel. The power pack is removed.   “Working as a legal privateer for […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 377

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain “Jackie” Rees following the recent Hammer Station and Athiss runs and Log 376. This is a holo captain’s log. ))     The holo begins with Jacqueline sitting in her captan’s chair, her attire more formal than the previous holo. There’s no trademark glass in her hand. […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 376

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain “Jackie” Rees following the recent Hammer Station and Athiss runs. This is a holo captain’s log. ))     The holo begins with Jacqueline leaning forward in the captain’s chair, her quintessential glass in one hand and the other propping up her chin. She appears and sounds […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 375

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain “Jackie” Rees following the recent Esseles run. This is a holo captain’s log. ))     The holo opens with Jacqueline lounging in a chair, a glass in one hand and chin atop an arm propped on the elbow of her pilot’s chair.   “Getting formalities […]

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