SWTOR Bedisa: Conflict

I am nothing.  What can I do? I stand by Brembal, I love him, and despite our conflict, our recent fights, our reunion, I do not think I can leave him. Something about him… his power. Passion. Vitality and resilience. My knees and my heart weaken when he enters the room. My heart fills to […]

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[SWTOR] Knots (Vanessa)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Brembal) Parent Trap. The following is on a SWTOR character of mine, Vanessa. She’s a young child (about five) currently in Brembal’s care in a now-discovered location known to few. She’s confirmed as the estranged daughter of my Smuggler, Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Chewing on her lip, Vanessa lay in bed with her eyes […]

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[SWTOR] Toll (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Halonan) Fleeting Chaos. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Jacqueline woke with the uncomfortable stiffness of sleeping in the previous day�s clothes. Grimacing, she rose half-conscious from the bed and had a moment of gratitude that she at least had the thought last night to take off […]

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[SWTOR] Dossier: Major Lehsa Vaar

Name: Lehsa Vaar Race: Togruta Affiliation: Republic Military, Lagoon Squad Age: 33   Personality: Strong-willed, reckless, stubborn, and always ready for a good fight. However, she is loyal, caring, and protective of her friends and family.  She doesn�t always show it very well but the reason she fights can be related to her protective nature. […]

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[SWTOR] Pay (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Contact (Jacqueline) and [SWTOR] Hunt 1 (Jacqueline). The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Jacqueline flickered through a variety of holos, each depicting a different sector of Nar Shadda: Alleys, street corners, even crowded squares. All were of the lower levels of the Hutta moon, or the lowest […]

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[SWTOR] Message: Reply to Halonan Kybersmith 3 (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Halonan) Pen Pals, Letter to Jackie Rees #3. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. It’s sent over a secure HoloNet frequency to Halonan. )) Halo, You’re probably reading this while in your bunk. If you are, you’re going to sleep after this. A tired pilot is a dangerous pilot, […]

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[SWTOR] Hunt 1 (Jacqueline)

(( The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) She worked in the dark, lit only by holos. One display was a fuzzy overlay of Brembal’s Tattooine compound, another various holorecordings from the bowels of Nar Shadda. Continuous renders of the Tattooine compound churned, loaded, and reloaded, attempting to clear up the haze […]

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[SWTOR] Message: Reply to Halonan Kybersmith 2 (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Halonan) Pen Pals, Letter to Jackie Rees #2. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. It’s sent over a secure HoloNet frequency to Halonan. )) Asshole Fashion Consultant, Send me more of that kind of stuff and next time you come around, I�m going to stuff you into it. I […]

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[SWTOR] Message: Reply to Halonan Kybersmith 1 (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Halonan): Pen Pals, Letter to Jackie Rees. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. It’s sent over a secure HoloNet frequency to Halonan. )) Halo, Sounds like you’re starting at the bottom. Don’t let it tug on you. Pretty much anytime you start somewhere new you start with nothing. It’s […]

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[SWTOR] Lights (Vanessa)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Brembal) Delicate Smiles. The following is on a SWTOR character of mine, Vanessa. She’s a young child currently in Brembal’s care in an undisclosed location. )) Flashes in the dark. Thudding in the night. In her dreams, she was surrounded, bolts piercing all around her, superheating each slice of air as they cut […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Understanding.

I think perhaps I was unprepared. And that is an understatement. This life, outside of Tython, is far, far more complex then I could have imagined. These emotions, far more powerful. I thought I could manage it, with meditation, with my logic. I was always told I was one of the more level headed students […]

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[SWTOR] Break (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Brembal) Paternal Instinct. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) The guards escorted her all the way to the tarmac. They lay no hand on her, but the tension was thick in the air. Burned, bloodied, and her body suit armor caked in Tatooine dust, Jacqueline Rees walked from […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Peace

Bedisa strode into the bedroom of the luxury suite Brembal had booked. Leaving him outside the doors, for now. A few breaths later she had her hand on a table, leaning on it for support. The anger…oh gods, the anger. The adrenalin was still there, the power…and it was leaving, now, which she was grateful […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Storms

She walked out to the far edges of the desert compound, wearing just a simply, light robe, a hood purely to protect her head from the worst of the sun. Bedisa didn’t mind the heat, not even on Tattooine, and she had a need right now to make use of it. A seperate time for […]

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SWTOR: Scars (Pt. 1)

3653 BBY Coruscant Jedi Service Corps Training Grounds �Private Geers!� Even amidst the steady sound of firing rifles, Yusriyah�s voice cut through to the gaggle of trainees she�d received. Her tone was as it always was around her new recruits–firm and demanding. The following approach towards the young male was an inexorable march of an […]

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[SWTOR] Preparation (Jacqueline)

(( Related: The upcoming SWTOR RP & Event Night. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. ))  Her gear fit easily enough. Donning her characteristic black, Jacqueline checked over her armor suit for tears of weaknesses. In spite of many recent encounters, the armor held up well. With practiced precision, she […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Flawless

If there is anything I have learned so far, it is that no one is without flaw. What…surprises me, maybe, is that I am aware, and have mentioned before, that Brembal himself is most certainly one of those people. I love him, but at every step of our relationship I see more of the whole. […]

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[SWTOR] Message (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Brembal) Piquant Sentiment. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) The deepest alleys of Nar Shadda were littered with scenes of crime. Crumpled leaflets, discarded stim needles, refuse from both droid and humanoid, anything the destitute could spread along the ground lay scattered. It all rose in […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Whispers (R)

Hands to skin. Whispers. Sighs. Soft sounds. Passion. Touching, lips. Intertwined. Touching, a smile, another whisper. Warmth, a hint of greater heat, brushing of hand to skin again.  Whispers. Surprise. She smiles at him, from above. A blush of innocence where there is little innocence to be had in the moment. “Will you heed me?” […]

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[SWTOR] Encrypted Message to Kentin

Kentin, I got a padawan that doesn’t understand right from wrong shooting lightning off my balcony. Sian’li, or “Shadow,” is lagging behind on her training. I don’t have to be a Jedi to see the obvious. I’m going to owe you one, and you can call me on it later, but I’m sending her to […]

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[SWTOR] Contact (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Move (Jacqueline). The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) One leg draped over the arm of her captain’s chair, Jacqueline mulled over the holo display. The cockpit of the Gunstar was less a single-man fighter cockpit and more a reformed bridge, filled wall to wall with computers and […]

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[SWTOR] Move (Jacqueline)

(( The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Day or night, the Nar Shadda skyline was the same. Neon traced the outlines of buildings that clawed at a clouded sky. Traffic was constant, the noise of civilization a perpetual hum. Time could only be noted by when or how often […]

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SWTOR Bedisa: Strength

I need to be strong.  Brembal is many things, deceptive, complex, honest. Cruel. Angry. But loving, in his way, and as he always says, passionate. He is a tempest of a man and I am a very young woman caught up in his storm.  His words of accusation have struck me. He is right, in […]

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[SWTOR] Between The Lines (Jacqueline)

(( Related: SWTOR Journal (Brembal) Letter to Jacqueline Rees. The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) “Now get lost,” Jacqueline growled. And he was off. Laden with a 10 million credit voucher, another 250,000 credit chip, and rather choice words snarked at him, Brembal Kybersmith’s courier left with the conscientious […]

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{SWTOR} Visions 1

The crates flew in a final circle around the cargo hold, four ducks in a row. Sian made the third one spin – and almost dropped it. She regained control with a wince and placed them in their spots against the bulkhead. She slumped to the ground, panting with the exertion. Moving stuff with your […]

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