SWTOR Bedisa: Love

I am not sure what to make of Brembal sometimes. I love him, I do. I see the good in him that others do not, and it did distress me to see how uneasy my friends were when they were forced to land on Tattooine due to the captain’s injuries. *I* know he would never […]

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[SWTOR] Drive (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Control (Jacqueline). The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) Mornings on Tatooine were near overwhelming. The system’s dual suns rose in tandem, lighting the compound with such ferocity that soaring temperature compared to a more temperate planet’s mid-summer afternoon. This made Jacqueline no less cheerful. Still walking […]

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SWTOR Mahv: Business

“Listen, Lord so and so, I don’t much care for what was promised, what I DO care about is my money.” Boots kicked up on the edge of the holoterminal, and a chair leaned back. “You red skinned devil woman….” “Oh, please, go on. DO go on.” A cigar was jammed in the corner of […]

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[SWTOR] Strike (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Taking Flight (Jacqueline). The following follows my SWTOR Smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) The bright, surrounding white of hyperspace lit the cockpit. The communications console was silent, unable to receive transmissions at lightspeed. A lone timer ticked down the final minutes till the ship’s destination. The pilot was absent, letting the ship slice through space […]

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[SWTOR] Control (Jacqueline)

(( Related: [SWTOR] Strike (Jacqueline). The following is on my SWTOR smuggler, Captain Jacqueline “Jackie” Rees. )) The chorus of beeps inside the med bay were more than enough to keep Jacqueline laying awake if not for Hamett’s potent cocktail of vertigo and pain suppressants. Cracking open her eyes, it was a welcome relief to […]

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[SWTOR] Taking Flight (Jacqueline)

For long moments after Halonan departed, Jacqueline lingered at balcony bar, her glass empty save for the amber hints of the whiskey that earlier filled it. She stood stooped, leaning atop the lit counter top, her gaze on the passing ships and colorful Nar Shadda skyline.  It was a planet that rarely slept and was […]

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[SWTOR] Strike (Tevaria)

(( The following follows my SWTOR Imperial Agent, Tevaria, or more colloquially known as “Tev.” )) Pushing the final hair clip into place, Tevaria took a quick assessment of herself in the mirror. Cut strands of hair pooled at her bare feet. Braided and pulled back into a swooping bun, her hairstyle augmented her cheek […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa’s Journal, Serenity

What joy I have.  Brembal has spoken so deeply and fervently of passion, of how it moves the Force…and I have spoken to him, more then once, of how it is not the one and only motivator.  But oh, I have felt it!  There were waves. Waves upon waves, as we lay together for the […]

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{SWTOR} A Mishun For an Imp

There is going to be a big mishun sune wen we will dres as imps and atak a reepublik plase to find informashin abowt Mister Salt. I asked him abowt Missus Peper like Mister Halonin told me ro. No one seemed to noe hoo shee is. I think Mister Halonin got the name rong but […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 417

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees. It’s a holo captain’s log. )) The holo opens with Jacqueline in her usual mechanical get up with grease stains to match. She’s sans her usual glass of whiskey. She sits in the chair with a leg draped over one chair arm and […]

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{SWTOR} Meditation 1

Waffles.  Waffles are evil.  They burn your mouth.  They’re not as evil as ice cream. Only the mouth gets hurt, not your whole head.  Viessa will be able to fix them, just like she fixed ice cream.  Viesa is the best at everything.  Focus.  Master Sage says to focus on one thing.  Waffles.  Waffles are […]

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[SWTOR] Data

Related: #SWTOR Status Update 03/15 Her face lit by the blue of her ship’s holo console, Jacqueline Rees taps her holopad, swiping through countless files and tapping out quick lines of code. A half-empty whiskey bottle is her only companion along with the hum of every computer in the cockpit churning through data.  Focused on […]

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[SWTOR] Captain’s Log 416

(( OOC: The following is for my SWTOR character, Captain �Jackie� Rees. It’s a holo captain’s log. )) Related: [SWTOR] Data The holo begins with Jacqueline stewing in her captain’s chair, a one-quarter full whiskey bottle lingering in the frame. Her hands are folded together and set beneath her chin, her posture stooped and leaning […]

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SWTOR: Dreams

Bedisa awoke slowly from her slumber, frowning as she did so. How strange, she thought. There was a dark thread, half a vision, half a feeling, that troubled her rest, enough so her eyes finally flicked open a few moments later.  How strange. She rubbed her eyes and looked blearily out her window. Things had, […]

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{SWTOR} Flyt

Mister Halonon is a belly danser and pilet now. His father tuk all his money away so he had to find wurk. He luves flying so thats gud. I didnt no he culd danse but aparently yew need to danse in kombat. It makes no sense to me. Viesa and Mister Halonon were going to […]

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Curious eyes could have come across a certain file of a particular Republic Soldier that had gone MIA. The file appears heavily edited, even left corrupted. Name: Shaun Soult   Nicknames/Aliases: N/A Age: 31 Height: 5’11” Weight: 203 Lbs Hair: Black Eyes: Green Notable marks or scars: Severe facial burns and scarring, m————————————————–!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ERROR~!~!~!#@@@@@@@@@@@ Befell blanched […]

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[SWTOR] Republic Strategic Information Service (SIS) Dossier #60664 – “Jacqueline Rees”

Name: Jacqueline Rees   Nicknames/Aliases: “Jackie” Species: Human Age: Unknown Height: Approximately 5′ 9″/5′ 10″ Weight: Estimated 180lbs. Hair: Dark Eyes: Brown Build: Muscular Notable Marks Or Scars: Unknown Force Sensitivity: Unknown Confirmed Skillset: Piloting, slicing, marksmanship Alliance: Subject has confirmed Jedi and Sith contacts. Suspected Hutt and other neutral party contacts. Data also indicates […]

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SWTOR: Living with a Lie.

Bedisa looked out from her apartment window over the cityscape of Coruscant. Her calm was absolute. It must be. It must remain so. But it had been so hard to do lately. Be the good girl. A model Jedi. A graduated knight, even at her age. Commendations during her schooling, high marks usually. Her early […]

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{swtor} Trayning

I told Viesa abowt Miss Saje being my new master but I told her she is my reel master. It is still hard to say master out lowd but I did it three times. Oh I shood do it here to. Master Viesa can do any thing. She prooved that agin last nite when she […]

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{SWTOR} Master

I need to fiks my reeacshun when somone says the word master. I know it dosent meen the same thing to the jedi as it did when I was a slave but every time somone says it I flinch. I cant evin say it out lowd myself. I tried to call Miss Saje master bekase […]

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{SWTOR} Peese is a lye

Theengs have ben going veree well, so I supose it shoodntt be a surprize that the end seemz neer. Vessa has ben teeching me and I have lerned so much from her. She taut me to fite with a vibro blade and promised we wood start using too of them at a time soon. But […]

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SWTOR: Thoughts and a Price, Bedisa’s Journal

I must begin making my plans. I suppose that when I started all this, when I first left Tython, when I decided to come to Coruscant to begin my training and research, that I didn’t imagine my path would lie in this direction. No, I *know* I had no thoughts of what has happened so […]

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Republic Fugitive/Wanted Listing

((Sian isn’t important enough to have a fancy Republic Dossier, but this came over the Cortex recently ~ and drunkenness.  Reward: CR 150 LEVEL 3 – MODERATE  Antilles “Angel” Drash Male Zabrak 6′ 7″ Red/Black Wanted for thievery, wanton destruction of public property, and resisting arrest. Considered somewhat dangerous.  Reward: CR 1500 Sian’li Sunscryer Female […]

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{SWTOR} nite jedi and paddy wan

We are at Jakilin’s hawse. I think its Jakilin’s haws. its veree big evin biger than the brathol my old mastr put me in to trayn. Today i lerned abowt nite jedi and paddy wans. Miss Bedeesa is a nite jedi wich meens she uses the forse to to akualy im not shur wat a […]

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SWTOR: Bedisa’s Letter

The letter is left lying in the Nar Shadaa flat, on a simple generic datapad, although a small paper card is left beside it signed “Bedisa” in a neat, flowing hand.  Dear sir, I suppose I shall be clear from the beginning, as I have tried to be in our interactions together so far. I […]

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