[Journal] Tournament, One War to Another

Originally written Aug. 16, 2010. It is not a simple thing, to jump from one war to another. Perhaps the Templars have become specialists in waging war for the goal of peace; it is strange because at one time, our strategy was simply diplomacy. It is safe to say that in two cases in the […]

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[Journal] in the Phoenix’s Wake

Originally written Aug. 30, 2010. A tournament brings a much lighter tone to the ranks, even moreso than the daily bar revelry so many Templars enjoy. I rarely cull their drinking or best-described as frivolity, not unless it affects the swing of their swords. Strangely enough, it never does, or perhaps it is because my […]

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[Journal] The Deepest Rock

Originally written Nov. 2, 2010. I neglected to keep record of much of the last month's events. However, I will not sit idle and write a drawn-out summary, for time is short, and it is clear that there are unseen forces as well as shrinking time that work against the slow stroke of this pen. […]

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[Journal] A Night for Rarity

Originally written Nov. 7, 2010. A brief time for repose this night, if formal attire can be considered so. Three hours were spent celebrating the third year of the Templars of the Rose, but the celebration was marked with an elemental attack at its beginning, and another at its end. Three cultists paid visit as […]

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[Journal] Cult of Comfort

Originally written Dec. 20, 2010. I readily admit to lacking expertise on the elements, I gratefully assign that knowledge to Koryander. When we first came to know one another as low-ranked Templars, I listened to what I considered "babble" about lords, planes and balances. I find myself a careful student now, with late nights spent […]

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[Journal] The Old, Familiar, and Odd

  The passing days have many old memories come to the surface, many I thought lost. The squire whom I once thought lost has returned, her solace ended in Northrend, and soul returned from its dark path. She still refuses her former name, to the point that I see within her the same anger that […]

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First Date

Mosur rounded the corner in one of Karabor’s corridors and bumped into the smaller priestess as he did every so many days. “Oh, hello Amia,” he smiled letting a look of surprise cross his face as though he didn’t know she would be traveling this hallway. In truth, however, he planned these meetings. “Nice bumping […]

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The Ride

"Will you grow your hair out for me?" she had asked him softly. It was almost like he could hear her voice in the memory. She’d stolen his prayer book  Again. It was something she did often, picking his pockets at any given moment during the day. He’d come looking for it, needing to search no farther […]

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First Kiss

Amia’s hooves clattered down the hallway as she walked briskly away from Mosur.  She’d stolen his prayer book.  It had only taken her five days to get her hands on it and she wasn’t giving it back any time soon.  Her fingers gripped the book so tightly, the already pale blue skin was nearly white […]

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Morning After

"Hello?" Mosur’s voice called out through the small house and he hung on the silence that followed. He’d spoken in common in case and hoping that perhaps Shame was still there. He wondered if, perhaps, they had gone out, and he meandered into the kitchen for a glance around. The only things out of place […]

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A New Companion

Returning to the room he’d rented for the night Mosur frowned a little seeing the child heaped unceremoniously in the corner with a bundle of blankets. She was a stubborn little goat, almost as stubborn as someone else he knew. His hooves beat against the soft wood as he walked quietly over to the young […]

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Mosur walked with the girl was perched on his shoulder, after much back and forth his stubbornness had finally won out. Her legs crossed at the ankle over his chest and her left hand grasped of of the crest spike on the back of his head. There had been a lot of grumbling about how […]

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After Lunch

“We’ll have to see if we can’t make it to the first little town on the map before dark hum?” He smiled, again having corralled her on his shoulder they started off once more. The reached the base of the stairs, Path of a Hundred Stairs. Mosur looked up the path then to the girl […]

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The Fix

“Here…give me the water skin and what’s left of the package, and you fix the tent.” She stood up with her bowl, “your bowl too.” She added and walked in the direction of the crackling fire, she slowed as she neared it able to feel its heat and hear its presence. She knelt before it […]

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The Gift

Mosur had cleaned up the food and settled the fire sending Saas on to the tent to pick out which bed roll she thought was more comfortable. He carried the packs up to the tent slipping inside and setting them just inside closing the flap up for the night. “Are you all settled?” Mosur asked […]

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Best, Favorite Creation

“What was your best, favorite creation?” Saas had asked him. She was speaking of his jewelcrafting. He didn’t think for long and frowned a little. “My favorite?” His voice was already laced with a tinge of sadness, he could tell at the sudden droop in her face. He cleared his throat and didn’t speak again […]

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The guildstone in his pocket crackled to life, Templar voices. His eyes half opened, he assumed it was nothing as always. He was wrong. Compromised, he listened to the list of names, some he knew. Binan Village, that was the first village on the map, the one just up and past these stairs, just through […]

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One Keg. It was both close and far enough away. The entire situation was a conflict that welled up inside of him. At least before when he had the taint and his issues he had, or could have had, assumed it was twisting everyone’s words. It was funny how now without it the words still […]

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Necessary Effort

Mosur sat on a hill looking down over the Tian Monastery. He stretched his legs out and laid back in the grass. He couldn’t keep this up, but then why did he start it? He was always tarrying after someone these days it seemed. And for what? To save some woman, some girl, to do […]

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Journey To Northrend

Packed, Mosur and Saashenka left the small two bedroom house they shared in Tian Monastery. A note was left on the door for the any who may visit informing of the short vacation the pair were taking.   I didn’t think I would be using this journal ever again, honestly why I still own it […]

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Disturbed Grave

"We’re going to go see an old friend of mine from the war on Dragonblight," Mosur responded to her question about where they were headed. He hefted her onto his shoulder, wrapping his arm around her legs to keep her steady. It was much warmer in Grizzly Hills and the pair had shed some of […]

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The following story is noncanon and takes liberties with the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion Warlords of Draenor and may therefor contain minor spoilers.      Mosur knelt by the bed leaning until his crest rested against the sheets. He was so tired, and yet again it looked to him like his happiness was about to be stolen. They had come through the Dark […]

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Tiresome and Mourning

There seem to be some ripped out pages preceding this one. One may barely make out random passages. Well, it seems that sleep does not come easy to me. Lately, it's been all I could do to stand up straight during the day. I already know what keeps me awake at night, but what could […]

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Shattering and Summation

Sielic races down the path, gazing up at the sun in the sky. He sighs, again, remembering how late he was. The wind had died down and the land was eerily quiet. Sielic sighed again, keeping up his frantic pace. Denaryn was going to shoot him for this one. They were supposed to meet almost […]

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The Legacy, pt 1, 2, and 3

Morbid thoughts of death have constantly traveled through my head as of recently. Combatting these thoughts is my desire for redemption, for reformation from the heartless man I once was capable of being to the approachable, if slightly intimidating in my seriousness at times, man who is now called a friend to many and considers […]

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